Radical Belonging: The Blog

by Dr. Joey Yung-Jun Liu

How I escaped the "Never Qualified Enough" loop & started showing up for my audience Sep 25, 2024


You're so much closer than you think to showing up as YOU and being who your audience needs...

Have you been struggling with stepping into visibility & owning your voice? But at the same time, your soul prods you every day to "do the thing" that you just can't shake? 


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How My Summer Brought Me Back to What's Most Important: A Lesson on VALUES Aug 20, 2024

In this process of doing something new, something bigger than myself, I’ve come to accept that there will be many check points. Moments that check us. That put us in check.

This summer checked me. And I’m so grateful to have been reminded of what’s really important.

This summer...

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4 Unexpected Places Where Your Story Shows Up in Your Work (And How to Make Your Story Impactful In Every Place) Jul 30, 2024

From my time in the classroom to my time researching with Indigenous communities and founders, I’ve learned first-hand the power of co-creation.

Make your community a part of the process. 

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a poll on my Instagram asking community members what topic they...

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3 Foundational Steps to Take As a Business Owner (Before You Ever Make a Dollar Or Sign a Client)- My Hakka Auntie's Advice Jul 01, 2024

I went across the street to my auntie's house. She always gives good advice. 

I told her, in our native Hakka, that I had decided to start my online coaching & course business.

"Auntie, remember that client I told you about? The rich business owner from England? I helped her write her...

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The 2-Step Method to Sharing Compelling Personal Stories with Clarity, Safety, & Intention Jun 24, 2024


I shared this tip as an instagram live video this week, pulling out insights from a client session I had that day. 

This tip really embodies a methodology shift to gain clarity in anything that we do & create positive impact with anything we share. 


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5 Steps to Nail Your Niche & Create Thought-Provoking Content You'll Be Known For Jun 17, 2024

 But first, a reminder on why we share content in the first place. What’s your why?

Mine is: We are social creatures who learn collectively. I am a dedicated life-long learner AND teacher. I feel most purposeful when I am contributing to collective learning & progress....

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3 Lessons Hidden Within Challenges (That You Don't Want to Miss While Growing Your Mission-driven Business) Jun 10, 2024


These past couple of weeks have brought opportunities for growth to me in a few different ways. 

  1. Balancing personal life & entrepreneurship
  2. Overcoming self-limiting narratives to show up and serve
  3. Validating your unique service in an overwhelming field/crowded space


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Joy as Radical Work & Community as Nurturing Spaces of Joy May 27, 2024

We’re probably familiar with joy as self-care or the positive mental health and even physical health benefits of joy & laughter. 

But how often do we talk about JOY as an intentional and necessary part of our work and missions? 

The world feels increasingly apocalyptic as we...

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Why Creativity Will Save Us from Late-Stage Capitalism Apr 09, 2024

Our ancestors were creative people. 


Living in the homeland now (my family and I moved back to Taiwan from California this past summer), I am surrounded by the resourcefulness, innovation, and beauty that my ancestors possessed (and living ancestors still channel). They used natural...

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Stories as Teachable Moments: Courageous Conversations with Our Six-Year-Old Apr 09, 2024

This week during spring break, my family and I got to enjoy unhurried time together. We spent meals talking for hours. My son is now 6 and a half and (some days) able to really dive into sustained conversation with Daddio and Mama. He loves to connect through story and chatter.

One dinner this...

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