I help you empower your voice & live your bold visions

Radical Leadership for Impact

1:1 Mentorship & Partnership Coaching

I'm on a mission to radically disrupt the status quo. I need your help to do it.

This world desperately needs heart-led, values-driven founders and leaders. Yet those with the biggest hearts of service are often the ones working tirelessly in the background.

My service is to help you liberate your voice, confidently step into your most impactful visibility, and bring your necessary vision to life. We need more thought leaders & founders like you.

If voice & visibility is something you need support with, I got you. I want you to take up more space. I want your vision to live in the world.

It is my joy to work with people who care about the earth & humanity. Who advocate for well-being, care, and justice for all. Who are bravely founding businesses & organizations to serve their communities and make the world a better place.

Does this sound like you? Let's chat about how I can support you on your journey.



I help you find & trust your truer voice & vision. You'll leave with an deep audit of your intersecting storylines, a clear roadmap toward your unique purpose, and the frameworks and tools to become who you need to be as you create your next chapter.

In these 1:1 sessions, I'll support you to find your voice & the messages on your heart. I'll guide you to notice, reframe, & release intercepting inner narratives that are holding you back from using your voice at full volume to serve your vision. My gift is to see & offer deeper, more empowering storylines that you may be missing & invite you to step fully into sharing those powerful lessons & insights with your world.


  • Life coaching for clarity, communication, and community

  • Building safe, inclusive, representative spaces of transformation & belonging

  • Break through mindset blocks or triggers

  • Integrate somatic techniques to heal your nervous system and lead with calm & safety

  • Overcome stage fright & imposter syndrome

  • Transform communication in your community or team

  • Strategize storytelling or messaging in your business or organization

  • Empower your voice & shift your relationship with visibility to put your vision into the world

My intersectional frameworks approach your experience as a whole person interacting with complex, interconnected systems & environments. Practicing somatic techniques, narrative reframing, and decolonizing methods, you will integrate new ways of living inside your body & connecting to your thoughts, feelings, intuition, and creative gifts.


Solution-Anchored Offers

Click below to read more about the right mentorship package for you.




*Two 90-minute co-writing sessions

*Pre-work interview questions workbook & journal prompts

*Sacred Story Bank System

*Story arc templates & writing guide

*Full editing & revisions of final draft

*Text & voice support between sessions

You know you have a story. You know you need your story to connect you to the right people. You’re tired of the templates, the BS, the over-selling. You don’t want to tell your story the same way you keep seeing on social media. And you know your clients wouldn’t connect with that version of a story either.

At the same time, because you’re so aware of telling your story a better way, you also feel stuck. Maybe a little fearful. It matters SO MUCH to you to get your story right, not just for you, but for those who hear it. So that the message is clear. So that the service you’re trying to put out into the world actually reaches and impacts those it’s meant to.

I get you. Let me help.

I bring over a decade of insight from helping hundreds of people do their story work.

I’ll guide you to tell your story & feel good about it. You'll feel confident in your story connecting you to the audience who needs YOU the most. And we’ll get it done in just 2 sessions (with a little bit of off-air communication in between).

• Pre-work: Written interview questions & workbook: Guided exploration into mission, core values, ideal audience, and key moments.

• Session 1: Through gentle interview & co-construction, we will: Deep dive and extract catalyzing story elements. Discover your most resonant message. Choose a story arc that feels the most authentic to you.

• In-between work: Journal & draft with a template & guided questions.

• Session 2: Co-writing session. Together, we’ll solidify the pieces of your story. Smooth out the parts that felt hard to put into words. Arrange elements for flow & clarity. Amplify your core values & signature message. Strategize for audience connection and impact.

• Wrap-up work: After making a final pass through your draft, send it to me for edits & polishing. Then throw it up on your website, send it to that committee, share it with the world.

**Further sessions can be added to support with storytelling skills, public speaking, and more in-depth audience messaging strategy.




*Two 90-minute co-designing sessions

*Pre-work: Written interview questions & workbook

*Sacred Story Bank System

*Guided prompts & templates (including workshop slide deck & worksheets)

*Revisions & edits

*Text & voice support between sessions

You’ve launched your coaching or consulting business (or you’re getting ready to). You’ve been inundated with everyone else’s free masterclass, webinar, challenge, or mini-course. You know you need a free or entry-level offering to share your frameworks and expertise with your audience in an introductory-sized amount.

But your soul won’t let you do the whole gimmick of an hour-long sales pitch disguised as an educational experience. If you’re gonna teach, you’re gonna teach.

So how do you design an unforgettably impactful one-time experience that authentically impacts your audience, is satisfying for you to deliver again & again, and brings clients to choose you as their mentor?

Let me help you design that experience - Your signature workshop.

Whether you deliver it monthly online as a low-ticket offer in your offer suite or bring it to corporations and organizations to grow your status as a go-to speaker, I’ll help you design a workshop you love to give and that fuels your business.

Pre-work: Written interview questions & workbook: Guided exploration into mission, core values, ideal audience, frameworks, skills, and teaching nuggets.

Session 1: We will: evaluate & decide on learning outcome that best captures your expertise, reverse engineer the design of the learning experience for your audience, strategize dignified marketing opportunities to be woven throughout.

In-between work: Draft & design your workshop with guided prompts & templates.

Session 2: Co-construction session. Together, we’ll solidify the elements of your workshop. Build out the slide deck & accompanying assets. Arrange elements for flow & clarity. Amplify your core values & signature message. Strategize for audience transformation, impact, and desire to invest.

Wrap-up work: After making a final pass through your draft, send it to me for edits & polishing. Then pitch it your audience & start teaching!

**Additional sessions can be added for:

1. Support around messaging to attract your people and nurture your audience.

2. Practice & refinement in delivery of workshop content, storytelling, public speaking, and on-the-spot audience interaction & connection.




*3-month mentorship

*Six 1-hour coaching sessions

*Sacred Story Bank System

*Prompt booklets & guided audio meditations with writing prompts

*Individualized resources

*Text & voice support between sessions

Maybe you’re here because you’re curious about the transformations that story work has offered in my life (and in those of my students & clients). Maybe you’ve experienced occasional relief and clarity from journaling, connecting in conversation, and listening to other’s stories.

You have a hunch that there is transformation in spending time with your story. You know there’s parts of your story that need healing and TLC. You want to understand yourself better. To trust yourself more. To feel confident in your voice, your experiences, your identity.

You’re ready to try working on yourself in a new, deeper way. You’re ready for clear connection with your values & vision. You’re ready for calm, confident communication with all those around you.

You know you need to do this work gently & purposefully, with structure, safety, and support.

I got you.

Whether you’re doing your story work for yourself, for your relationships, for your mission, for your community, this work will gently transform your life.

My frameworks are woven from trauma-informed, narrative, decolonizing, and somatic methodologies.

Each month, we will meet twice for 60 minutes. Each session will leave space for intuition, observation, reflection, expression, reframing, creative exploration, and integration.

We move at your pace, with intentional tools & frameworks to support your unique journey.

Within 3 months, you will experience significant shifts in your life, work, and relationship to your self.

The mentorship can be renewed as long as it serves you.




*6 month partnership

*Twelve 1-hour co-writing sessions

*Text & voice support between sessions

*Sacred Story Bank System

*Guided prompts & templates (including workshop slide deck & worksheets)

*Prompt booklets & guided audio meditations with writing prompts

*Individualized resources

*Text & voice support between sessions

This 6-month partnership encompasses all of the 1:1 services I offer. It allows me to work intimately with aligned movement-makers & mission-builders to support you in getting your necessary work & service out to your world.

During the partnership, I’ll help you strategize, systematize, and streamline several areas of your life and work:

1. Gain clarity on your story, identity, & purpose. Know yourself deeply. Become unwavering in your work, your voice, your calling.

2. Amplify your messaging & mission to the audience who needs you the most. Call in and cultivate your most aligned, nourishing, joyful community.

3. Get those assets made!—from your signature workshop to your website, we’ll find the style of information-delivery you love the most & creatively design your assets with your unique narrative & wisdom, while applying fine-tuned curriculum design principles to ensure maximum impact to your audience.

4. Upskill your communication, storytelling, writing, speaking, presence, and creative productivity. Develop systems & tools that help you do your work more effortlessly.

5. Be held in the safety of the story work. Integrate the tools of self-care that you and your nervous system need to do this radical leadership work.

Each month, we meet twice for one-hour sessions. The pathway is tailored to your unique needs & journey, yet anchored in proven methodologies & reverse-engineered learning design. You’ll grow as fast as you can, while at a pace that feels safe & cozy for you.

Your work is important. The process can often be hard, confusing, and lonely. Let’s work together to make the journey more joyful & steady. We got this.

What People Are Saying... 😭🙏🏽

"Joey is the most authentically magical person I’ve ever met." -Nana Tuuao

Elijawon Scott

"I would definitely recommend as Dr. Liu exemplifies the true meaning of being a community advocate. She stands by her values and her story is powerful.

I truly felt inspired and motivated to get back up and pursue my original purpose as I want to grow my business."


Elijawon Scott

"This experience has nourished my desire to sit with my story, own it, and lovingly share it— or parts of it — on my terms. If you are seeking to better know, share, and love your story, take a leap with Dr. Liu."


Ranjini Ganapathy

"There was a shift energetically and psychologically within as I decided I was worthy of taking up space and using my voice just as I was. That surge in confidence came from having articulated an issue that I hadn't had the courage to express before. "
