Free Interactive Workbook

So many opportunities to a freer and fuller life lay on the other side of unlocking our best personal stories.

When we've spent the time to find, craft, and perfect our personal stories, we unlock the ability to weave compelling narrative into all that we do.

Finding connection points to our audience becomes so much easier.

Sneak Peak

How this workbook moves you towards finding your voice...

Part 1- Stories to Tell Your ...

Start having more meaningful conversations & telling more memorable stories today. These quick lists will help you take your audience connection deeper right away while saving you time on your content planning. Stories to tell your kids, clients, lovers & friends, and your audience.

Part 2- Block Finders

Understanding what holds you back from sharing your story (and the expertise, lived experience, and unique wisdom contained in your story) is crucial to finding and trusting our voice. This section helps you find, release, and replace some of your blocks.

Part 3 - Unlock Your Story Flow

Start getting your story matter on paper with these guiding prompts and audio meditations. You'll drop into a flow state and find parts of your story you haven't touched before or in a long time. Getting your story matter on paper is a big step to crafting your core story & speaking to your audience.

What People Are Saying...

Download the free workbook

I've designed this workbook to bring you back to yourself, experience your unique flow state, and uncover your voice beneath some of the layers of resistance.

The workbook closes with a bonus section of suggestions, links, and resources to explore what your storytelling journey might take you.

Hi friend!

I'm here to teach you what I know...

I poured so many of my beloved tips and techniques into this book because I really want you to have a transformational experience, even from a free download.

I've seen the power of tapping into your story in my life and in the lives of hundreds of my students and clients.

I hope this workbook empowers you in the same way.
