How I escaped the "Never Qualified Enough" loop & started showing up for my audience

Sep 25, 2024


You're so much closer than you think to showing up as YOU and being who your audience needs...

Have you been struggling with stepping into visibility & owning your voice? But at the same time, your soul prods you every day to "do the thing" that you just can't shake? 

Maybe you've taken some steps to go after your vision but as soon as you do one thing, the self-doubt and imposter syndrome creeps in again... and you just... feel stuck.

You can't shake it. But that next step feels juuuuusst out of reach....


Just like you, I always wanted to be useful and make a difference on this planet for my communities. I found ways to live my purpose as a teacher, but taking that next step into more public visibility felt like crossing the bridge of No Return... and every time I stepped to the edge, I just couldn't make myself cross.

For 8 years, I kept putting my vision on the back burner. 

Until I learned the tools of REWRITING MY STORY and REFUSING to be put into the box of the dominant narrative. 

Along the way, I kept helping OTHERS step into the spotlight while I served from the background.

And as I did this work, I began to learn a thing or two about facing Imposter Syndrome & why it kept showing up, no matter how much I've learned or how many people I've helped.

Imposter Syndrome might never vanish completely form our lives. But what matters the most is how long we stay stuck. Or rather, how quickly we reach for the right tools to get us through the freeze and on our path to greater impact. 

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