How My Summer Brought Me Back to What's Most Important: A Lesson on VALUES

Aug 20, 2024

In this process of doing something new, something bigger than myself, I’ve come to accept that there will be many check points. Moments that check us. That put us in check.

This summer checked me. And I’m so grateful to have been reminded of what’s really important.

This summer allowed me to become more of the person I need to be in order to continue on this social-entrepreneurship journey, firmly rooted in the values that brought me into this work in the first place.

I relearned that nothing is worth doing if my nervous system isn’t at rest, my family isn’t in harmony, and my community isn’t benefitting from what I’m putting my time & energy into.

I chose to create a life & business that is safe & peaceful for my neurodivergent self and all those I serve. And I recommitted to that choice all over again.


I started my entrepreneurial journey almost exactly 6 months ago (not considering the 5 months of freelance work I had done before that.)

Once making the decision to start my own online business, I felt the need to consume every piece of information under the sun about online business. (Can my fellow neurodivergent readers relate?)

It’s taken me a while to both process all the information AND process the effect that binging that much information (much of it contradicting) had on my mind & body.

I went into summer at war with time.

Feeling like I was racing against a giant, imposing clock to make my investments of time, energy, and resources in this entrepreneurial endeavor make sense solidly.



I'd been waking up with a racing heart and shallow breaths each morning in June. Familiar anxiety.

All the brain noise had been tunneling into my nervous system every night while I slept.

In May, I'd set ambitious goals for the summer.

I thought I'd finish building my course, ramp up promotion, continue to support current clients, create info assets, and grow my team.

All while forgetting this would be my first summer NOT on summer break as a teacher.

Forgetting my kids would be off school and need me.

Forgetting our transnational family summer meant 7 weeks in 4 places visiting family, living out of a suitcase, with no office or set schedule to work around.

Each morning, I felt further and further behind.


But one thing about teaching is it gives you an opportunity to be about what you say you’re about.

This gentle pressure into accountability for transformation is one of the enduring reasons I teach.

If I’m to hold space for others who experience anxiety, if I’m to teach somatics & safety, then I’d better get to using my own tools.

So, as the anxiety greeted me each day, I greeted it back.

And each morning, the shift came quicker. I met those heart palpitations with soothing breaths and compassionate conversations.

Reminding myself to look at the greater purpose behind those timetable goals.

The goals are not THE goal. Living my authentic purpose has always been.


I teach, I put my work out there, I talk to strangers, I create pieces of information that people can interact with—all for a bigger reason: to give us hope in a liberated future. And to collectively dialogue about the actionable steps we can take to create the future we imagine.

This summer, the universe gave me fresh opportunity to live out new pages of my story, root deeper into the values that hold my work.

I do this as a mama who still has important work to do, but is going to make every moment meaningful with her babies.

As a creative leader writing the radical story she wants to tell about our collective liberated futures by leaning into the unexpected and holding firm to intuition & frameworks.

As a survivor who is still healing and rewiring every day.

As an autistic founder creating a safer, calmer life for myself and those I serve, especially those who have been historically excluded.


I've been healing my nervous system for almost a decade. But by August, a month into breathing my way into this new role & awareness, the integration felt magical.

Outward pressures still present. Chaos happening.

When I lost my phone at the airport last week, even my husband noticed the change: "I can't believe you've been so calm."

"I know. It feels so regular now. The anxiety just isn't here anymore. I almost can't believe it."

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to grow, heal, and change. So ready for the growth and creation ahead. 🙏🏽

Now, we keep working, sharing, dialoguing, and sharing knowledge.

We keep going. Liberating our stories to liberate our collective futures. ✨️

Download my FREE Unlock Your Authentic Stories Interactive Workbook

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